Good Friday and the Politics of Denying Christ—John 18:15-27 (Brad Littlejohn)
Jesus knows full well, after all (cf. Jn. 13:36-38) that Peter is denying him. And yet he does not deny Peter. Even while his disciples are scattering and hiding, Jesus confidently declares that they...
View ArticleMalaria in the Ancient World
Life in the first centuries of the common era in Judea and Galilee was short and sharp, characterized by “frequent pregnancy and sudden death.”[1] The evidence is rather sobering.[2] Apart from...
View ArticleThe Politics of Jesus’ Third Temptation – Resisting Economic Globalization...
Fyodor Dostoevsky in his masterpiece The Grand Inquisitor – as well as Leo Tolstoy in his The Gospel in Brief – both “translate” for a contemporary audience the story of Jesus’ temptation in the...
View ArticlePalm Sunday – A Celebration of Counter-Hegemony (Raj Bharat Patta)
The occasion of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem before facing cross and crucifixion, observed by Christians as Palm Sunday, is a pivotal event in the Gospels. It is important to know how the passage...
View ArticleHoly Disobedience (Anna Floerke Scheid)
Not a day has gone by since the Inauguration of President Donald Trump that one group or another hasn’t taken to the streets in protest. Indeed, political resistance is getting so trendy that Pepsi...
View ArticleForget Schmitt! Political Theology Must Follow Agamben’s “Double Paradigm” of...
The following is the guest editorial for the current issue of the print journal Political Theology (Volume 19, Issue 1, February 2018). It was the German juridical theorist and philosopher Carl...
View ArticleDevilish Diversions—Luke 4:1-13
The devil sought to divert Jesus from his mission in three different ways. Walking Christ's cruciform way, we face the same temptations. Source
View ArticleBeginning Where Jesus Is
The trouble in American Evangelicalism and in Christianity more broadly, is that standing face-to-face with our Messiah, we find ourselves at a loss of how to serve. What does it mean to be a follower...
View ArticleFollowing Christ in Resurrection Hope
This relativizes politics into a realm that cannot penetrate or disturb the Christian’s faith or take away our salvation and our hope. This is why the real danger for the Christian is not just...
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